Local Gold Mining

Buy Gold Bars From Village Local Miners in Africa

Starting from 1 kg Gold Bar

local gold mining
local gold mining
local gold mining
local gold mining
local gold mining
local gold mining
local gold mining

About Local Miners

Buy gold bars in Bloemendaal, gold nuggets from a group of village gold local miners who want to improve the lives of their local community using the available natural resources of Gold. Our main mission is to create partners on the international market who can be able to buy the available Gold always in time so that our people can have all the basic necessities of life i.e. food, safe water, shelter, clothing, and medically necessary health care.

We mine gold and locally process it at keep it at the palance of our cultural leader awaiting for investors or buyers on the word market for gold bars and gold nuggets from DRC Congo.

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Buy 24k Gold Bars in Westminster

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Buy 24k Gold Bars in Wells

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Buy Gold Bars From Local Miners

Local gold mining community has grown into the industry group involving mineral exportation.  Unlike investing in stocks, bonds, and currencies that can become worthless overnight, gold has true intrinsic value and hence, will always be valuable, buy gold today.

Long-Term Value

To achieve this goals, Local Miners Precious metals remains focused on five key attributes: high quality production; low cash costs; maintaining an investment grade balance sheet; operating in regions with low political risk; and conducting business in a responsible manner.


Gold Local Miners – Buy Gold in Africa

Enterprise Companies

We deal with local miners of gold and other small enterprises with gold but lack market in our communities

Customer Products

We have gold nuggets, gold dust, Au gold bullion, quality gold for sale, diamonds etc. Invest with us today.



We handle consignment from the seller to the buyer, we process mineral documents and Lab essay report.


Financial Services

We offer loans to empower all our local miners, to facilitate their small projects for community development.


Responsible Mining
We are committed to operating with the highest ethical, environmental, and social practices, to meet international standards. To achieve this important goal, bunia has established four pillars.
Investments & Acquisitions
We focus investing in our community by building the infrastructures, Real Estates to raise standards of living, build schools, mature educational centres to erase illiteracy from local communities. etc.
Safety and Health
At our local miners, we have respect for community interests, and technology all combine to play a part in maintaining the highest standards of occupational health and safety in our workplace.
Social Responsibility
Stakeholders are an integral part of our business and meeting stakeholder needs is critical to our sustainability. We believe in proactive, open, and constructive stakeholder engagement, which informs participative decision-making. This is the time to invest with us.
Legitimate Products
We provide the best advice to our customers when it comes to securing them to legitimate or genuine precious gold and diamond sellers across in Africa. We are specialized in introducing you to real and genuine precious metal sellers in Africa, invest with us now.
Growth & Sales
We are always in search for partners who act on our behalf as commission agents or private buyers who get us market on the international level because we always focus on extending our market world-wide. For the betterment of our community, invest for the future.
Gold Nuggets
We have gold nuggets and gold specimens, all our gold nuggets and gold specimens are natural. So please that’s why we always request all our buyers to come through and witness the real pure gold that we sale before making any purchases.
Au Local Miners

Are you’re looking forward on investing in physical gold at the lowest possible price per ounce. Gold is the stalwart of the industry, what everyone wants from the average investors to central banks, they all buy and store Gold.

Gold Dust
We hold an immense clientele in this field by providing an excellent grade array of Gold Dust. Sourced from trusted local miners. In addition to this, the provided Gold dust can be bought by our valuable patrons at rock bottom rates for you.

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